Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Hurricane Sandy- an opportunity for growth

Natural disasters are not nice things! Not only do they cause extensive damage to the environment we live in, but they can in some cases disrupt everything we cherish and hold for dear. In the wake of Hurricane Sandy's afteremath, the severity of the storm, the loss of life and general mayhem that such an event has caused, the question of what was extend of the damage? All too quickly followed by , and who is going to pay for it?

Yes, Insurance companies will have to take on their fair share of responsbilities, government at both a state and federal level will need to act swiftly to set aside budget for reconstruction and rebuilding. More importantly decisive leadership will be needed to avoid the popular mood of the people moving from one of hope to disenchantment and general unrest.

Yet such natural disasters also offer a strange sense of change, albeit not always wanted, but change nevertheless. It does also allow change in terms of how we do things, the systems and processes we put in place , the safeguards to avoid future disasters.

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